Way of the Knights

Chapter 614 - Revelation Day?


"Oh well, getting upset about all of that won\'t really make any difference now." Poppy sighed in defeat. "Our era\'s gone, while there might be someone who has the same bloodline as ours nowadays, I\'d venture that they could be counted on one hand, we might as well call that utter extinction."

"What about the ones who plotted against your race? Are they still alive?" Raven couldn\'t help but ask. 

"Probably, probably not. We don\'t know." Myleene replied with a shrug. "We were long dead before the revelation happened, it was only thanks to Astrid that we\'ve learned about these things."

Raven raised a brow and looked at Astrid who said: "I met the last survivor of the Earthen Elves and befriended him, before he died, he told me the entire story. I was an official Heir at that time so Poppy and Myleene heard about it too."

"Did he tell who were the culprits?" Raven asked.

"They called themselves \'Bored Immortals\', but I\'m pretty they said that just to anger their victims. You know...Immortals who lived for eons and were bored so they decided to entertain themselves by watching how their puppets slaughter each other due to their stupidity." Astrid replied, earning a scowl from Raven. 

"Bored? More like \'Twisted\' if you ask me." 

"Right!?" Poppy exclaimed, "I thought of the same thing as well. Gosh, they were so lucky I didn\'t have a physical form at that time or else I would\'ve marched towards where they live and make their lives miserable." 

Raven on the other hand was in deep thought. 

\'Bored Immortals? Never heard of them. If they call themselves Immortals, that means they came from several Eons ago, back when the establishment of the Divine Realm is still on it\'s infancy. If I remember it correctly, Ancestor Zeus pursued the path of Immortality as well.\'

\'The most ancient text available to read at the sect was at least 10-15 Billion Years Old if I remember it correctly. That is a long ass time! Wait, when did Poppy and Myleene died anyway?\' 

"...about a 700 million years ago for Myleene and 500 million years ago for me." Raven heard Poppy said, causing him to look at her in surprise.

"Nope, I can\'t read minds. Your expression says it all." Poppy chuckled after seeing Raven\'s alarmed expression. 

"Is it really that obvious?" Raven asked, concerned somewhat.

"Yep, it totally is." All four heirs replied at the same time, causing Raven\'s lips to twitch. 

"And remember this, little boy." Poppy said in a reprimanding voice, Raven on the other hand flinched at how he was addressed by Poppy. "It is rude to guess a woman\'s age." 

"Nothing on you looks like a woman, Poppy." Myleene said in an exasperated voice.

"Hey! That is extremely rude you know!" Poppy cried out in resentment, "Just because I\'m stout in stature and doesn\'t have much curves, it doesn\'t meant that I can\'t be respected as a proper lady!"

"Proper lady my ass." Astrid snorted on the side, "You married 25 men all at the same time back when you were alive. Heck you even gave each one of them kids! Making you a mother of 25 children!" 

"Right, you legit started a whole clan by yourself. That\'s incredible." Inos commented on the side.

"Bwahaha! And I\'d do it all again, bitch! Just give me a physical body and the Dwarven Race shall rise once more!" Poppy stood up and pumped her fist up in the air. This caused Myleene and Astrid to sigh in helplessness while Inos clapped for Poppy. 

Meanwhile, Raven\'s mind was spinning upon hearing that revelation. He couldn\'t help but think to himself, \'25 Husbands? 25 Children? Daaaaamn! She is feisty!\'

This time, he made sure to control his expression so others can\'t decipher his thoughts through reaction. 

"Ahem, anyways let\'s get back on track." Myleene interrupted before Poppy goes further into her \'colorful\' history with men. "Contrary to your expectations, Poppy wasn\'t the one who found the Ancestral Divine Crown after me. I was the 4th Heir while Poppy was the 6th. The 5th Heir is still bound at the Resting Place here, it\'s because you triggered the growth of the World Tree that we were able to move around here." 

"Ah, I see." Raven nodded in understanding, "Here I thought that nobody held the crown for 200 million years."

"Yeah, I figured you\'d think something like that." Myleene nodded, "I met my end when both of our Races were still rather prosperous. When it was Poppy\'s turn, I discovered that our races were on decline but it didn\'t really struck me that someone or some people were responsible for that. It was only during Astrid\'s reign that we discovered it."

"Hearing about that made us feel very frustrated you know." Poppy interjected in the conversation. "You see, anyone who managed to be recognized as a true Heir of that old man Geezer, was considered as a top notch expert in their times."

"Still, that only applies when we are alive." Poppy softly said, "We were long dead when heard about it so we can\'t do anything about that anymore. Astrid tried to help us but those Bored Immortals disappeared like they didn\'t exist in the first place."

"We\'ve nothing to vent our frustrations, and we also know that staying frustrated about it won\'t do anything, so we\'ve learned to let go. It\'s fine. It\'s all in the past now anyways." Myleene let out a smile which somehow made Raven feel slightly better. 

"Alright! There\'s no use on getting down by past events! Let\'s get to the main reason why were here, yeah?" Poppy said, Myleene nodded to her and they all looked at Raven. 

"Aside from meeting you and getting acquainted, there is of course a big reason why we showed up in front of you as soon as we could." Myleene informed. 

"What is it?" Raven asked, feeling slightly apprehensive. 

"Relax, it\'s merely some reminders on how you should use the World Tree\'s power when time comes." Poppy informed. 

"The Power of the World Tree?" Raven tilted his head in confusion. \'We\'re they talking about the sheer amount if Spacetime Law insights that the World Tree has and supplies to me?\' 

"Yes! Although we have seen your careful nature, we still want to remind you to be very conscious of the sheer power you are fostering within you." Poppy said solemnly. 

"The World Tree is an existence capable of rivalling the entire Divine Realm when it comes to value." Myleene stated, "A fully grown World Tree has millions of roots, each were connected to Infinite Realities. It\'s trunk serves as the pillar the supports this connection. It\'s leaves are also infinite in number, each leaf being unique since it displays the Infinite Worlds the World Tree\'s roots are connected to."

"In terms of receiving multitude of Insights of several rare and extremely powerful laws, the true power of the World Tree doesn\'t rely there." Poppy declared. "It\'s true power is complete authority over the worlds it is connected to." 

Raven\'s eyes visibly widened upon hearing this. He almost couldn\'t believe what he just heard right now. \'Complete Authority\'. He truly wondered if Poppy misspoke just now but looking at her solemn expression, it would seem that she didn\'t. 

"You heard me right." Poppy nodded after seeing Raven\'s expression. "Once you manage to foster the World Tree into its full maturity, you can choose to connect one or multiple realities by connecting them to its roots."

"Once the connection is established, you can freely exercise control over the reality you have chosen. You can visit it whenever you like, observe from a distance, change the outcomes without receiving punishment...or even wipe it out of existence, erasing it completely, never to occur or to surface ever again."

"That...is the true power, of the World Tree." Poppy and the rest turned silent after this, allowing Raven to fully digest what he just heard right now. 

Sufficed to say, it was a great revelation day for Raven. Not only did he meet two more of the previous Heirs, he also got to know their history and was informed about the ridiculous power of the thing he was fostering within him right now. 

If one looked closely, Raven\'s hands were shaking. Whether it was from nervousness, anxiety, fear or excitement, no one could truly tell since Raven\'s current expression painted multiple colors as well. Raven felt like his brain was being fried while it\'s still inside his skull. He felt dizzy, delusional even. There\'s too many thoughts intruding his brain that he could tell that he wasn\'t functioning properly. 

He truly doesn\'t know how to react from this sudden revelation. Was he supposed to be excited at the prospect of being a true God-like being? Was he supposed to feel anxious because he doesn\'t known if he could live long enough to eventually reach this stage? Was he supposed to feel nervous since holding that much power should be considered illegal? 

...or was he supposed to be afraid....afraid of holding too much power that it corrupts him through and through. 

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