Way of the Knights

Chapter 517 - A Tiny Spark


Raven arrived at a vast expanse of void, which is something he did not expect considering the fact that he saw some rays of light before he entered. 

He didn\'t feel anything - well, to be more specific, he can\'t feel anything.

Raven\'s currently surrounded with pitch black, he can\'t see, hear, feel, taste, nor touch. His thoughts we\'re also slipping away but he can\'t do anything to prevent any of this happening. He can\'t even mobilize even a single speck of his Cosmic Energy nor lift a finger. He could only helplessly remain still. 

Time passed and slowly but surely, Raven\'s thoughts were slipping away. It wouldn\'t be long until he eventually loses them.


That\'s when a huge change suddenly occurred on his surroundings. 

It all started with a single white spark. 

A tiny, tiny spark that even Raven, with his excellent visual prowess, nearly missed it. However, even though it was just a tiny speck of light. It existed. 

It lives. 

This tiny spark of light was only thing that completely opposes it\'s surroundings. No matter how the void rolled, folded and tried to devour this tiny speck of light, it fought dauntlessly and remained. Even though it was the only one of its kind. It fought for survival and remained strong. 

Raven\'s remaining focus was centered in this spark of white light. Coincidentally, as he started at it, his thoughts completely stopped from slipping, allowing him to dedicate all of them into watching how this tiny speck light fought for its existence. Raven himself didn\'t noticed this however since he\'s too entranced by this speck of light. 

As time went on, Raven got too absorbed into this scene that he also failed to notice that all of his senses had returned to him already. His thoughts returned to it\'s original state but all of it was dedicated into watching this tiny speck of light. 

For reason\'s unknown, Raven and this tiny speck of light shared a connection. Unfortunately, Raven\'s too entranced to notice any of this. 

Due to his surroundings and his current state, Raven completely became unaware of how much time has passed already. He remained entranced by the sight and also remained rooted on his spot. 

It was unknown when but another speck of light was born. And it time, another one. Slowly but surely, the numbers of these tiny dots of light rose. Raven noticed this but it didn\'t awaken him from his trance, instead it might\'ve even dragged him deeper. 

The rising number of these tiny white dots seemed to have angered the void. It shook, trembled and did everything it could to snuff out these lights but it could only corrode it, it cannot snuff them out. 

At a certain point, lines started emerging from the first spark of white light. It crawled and connected with the nearby specks of light, linking them to together and presumably, their fates as well. 

As soon as it connected to every single one, the group of white sparks shone with a glaring brilliance that illuminated the void. 

The void shook and trembled, seemingly frightened and threatened by the sudden development however it couldn\'t do anything to stop it. Instead of attacking, the void wanted to push them away but it had no spaces available to isolate these group of white sparks. 

At the same moment that the group of white sparks were linked, the connection it has with Raven became even more deeper, henceforth dragging him even deeper in his trance. Nevertheless, Raven was conscious enough to realize what these group of linked white sparks represents. 

\'The first Constellation.\'

He had no idea why the void was seemingly terrified of the first constellation, he can\'t think of any reason for it either since he\'s in a deep trance. What\'s important is that, Raven knew that this was a monumental event, and he absolutely couldn\'t miss what\'s about to happen next. 

The first constellation\'s appearance was the trigger. Shortly after it\'s emergence, another spark of white light appeared, which where then followed by some more in quick succession. Not too long after that, the Second Constellation was born, which was then followed by the third, the fourth and so on…

Raven watched everything as an observer. He witnessed the birth of one constellation after another. As their numbers increased and filled a portion of this vast expanse of void, a disparity was born. 

Each time a constellation was born, the void unceasingly trembled. Scared and afraid, slowly but surely, it was forced to retreat over and over again. It tried to push the constellations against each other, hoping that they would destroy one another but the result was the complete opposite. 

It didn\'t take that long until Raven was completely surrounded with constellations. Each of them were etched to his memory, some even directly appeared as law diagrams on his own body. Nevertheless, Raven only watched as an observer and took everything in. 

The birth of the constellations continued. Their multiplication hastened and the void retreated even further. At one point in time, the void was completely backed-up in the corner, finding itself surrounded by constellations which shone with brilliance. 

Raven had lost count on how many constellation appeared so far. He was motionless and stuck in the depth of his trance that he failed to realize that his body was reflecting the brilliance that each constellation releases. This inadvertently created a link, connecting Raven to all constellations around him. 

Eventually, a huge movement occurred. The constellation moved in unison, lead by the First and started consuming what\'s left of the void. 

Not a single constellation missed this event. They all siphoned a part of the void and fused it to themselves and whenever they did, a change occurred to them. 

One by one, each constellation released a certain color. Raven surroundings were no longer pitch black, instead he\'s now surrounded with myriad colors, some of which he saw for the first time. 

Each color was also reflected on his eyes, etched in his memories and left a striking impression on him. 

At the time that the last speck of the void was devoured by the constellations. A flurry of myriad lights surrounded Raven. They moved erratically and were seemingly wrapping him into a tight cocoon. Despite all of this, Raven remained impassive.

He didn\'t show any reaction and took everything with an uninterested expression. Raven was mildly aware of what\'s happening but he didn\'t stop it. 

By the end of it, Raven was completely encased in a small round cocoon. At it\'s core, Raven could be found naked and in a fetal position. His eyes were tightly shut and his body was constantly breaking down and being reformed. 

Each time a piece of him was broken down, a streak of colorful lights will fuse with him and become a part of his body. This happened slowly but methodically. This process wasn\'t controlled by Raven at all. It was all natural. 

Still, even if he\'s now undergoing the process of his 8th Transformation, Raven\'s consciousness was still in a deep trance. 

Raven\'s experiencing something incredible but he himself can\'t explain it nor were aware that it\'s happening. All he could think about was the series of flashing lights, the constellations and other things which he can\'t make heads or tails of. However, one thing\'s for sure. Raven\'s being enlightened onto something, it\'s just that he\'s not aware of it for now. 

An unknown amount of time passed and all of sudden, the cocoon released a beautiful arrangement of lights. Well, to be more specific, Raven\'s body was the one who\'s releasing this lights. 

As these spectrum of lights illuminated his surroundings, they all formed several images, representing a specific constellation which were the same ones that he had seen before. 

These constellations were moving as if they were alive. They swam, trotted, flew and so on all around him as if they were on their natural habitat. Each figure seems to contain a certain level of intelligence, some even interacted with the other constellations. They all formed different shapes in sizes but all got along since, in a sense, they came from a single source. 

Raven\'s consciousness travelled far. It was as if he travelled to the past, present and future. He witnessed how it all began and how it all ended with an apathetic expression. It was as if he was nothing but a mere observer and had no concern about whatever\'s destroyed or created. 

Nevertheless, for each thing that he saw created or destroyed, something stayed with him. Something resonated and was absorbed into his body, as for what it is, Raven have no way of knowing just yet. 

Inside the cocoon, Raven\'s body was nearly reformed. He\'s physical features became even more refined, his core and inner cosmos became even more consolidated and abundant and his soul went one step closer towards full recovery. 

All of the colorful lights and new law-diagrams on his body receded. They weren\'t gone, they were just fused with him. Raven remained in trance and still experiencing a special state of enlightenment when all of a sudden…


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