Death Scripture

Chapter 74

Near Woodensaber Alley was a deserted courtyard, in which overgrown weeds, halfway-tilted houses, and scattered rocks and wood were everywhere. However, it was the busiest place in Golden Roc Fort after sunset.

Stone Castle was populated with seven or eight thousand of people with a variety of needs. However, only the owners could fully satisfy their needs. Those killers, knowing the fact that they might be killed at any time, desperately wanted to spend their money. Therefore, a small black market took shape.

Every day after sunset, groups of men in black pushed aside the weeds, struggled to go through the cracks in the wall, and then looked for the things they wanted: the so-called fair Southwall wine, fresh North City delicacies, and groceries that apparently came from nowhere.

All buyers and sellers were masked, which “blackened” the black market.

The Shangguan family acquiesced to the existence of the black market on the condition that no business was allowed to take place in those 17 uninhabited courtyards or beyond, and the business must cease by two o’clock.

Gu Shenwei visited this black market every three or four days for the sole purpose of buying wine for his Master Shifu. He became so familiar with this place that he could recognize some of the regular businessmen, such as Shangguan Hongye.

Shangguan Hongye was the Supreme King’s nephew. The fact that his father died early had demoted him to the lowest rank in the masters’ circle. He lived a life worse than those master-favored slaves, and he was even inferior to those killers who spent money like water.

To please this “master” who he could take advantage of, Gu Shenwei had asked for plenty of gold and silver utensils from Mama Xue, then squashed them and presented them to Shangguan Hongye as gifts. This child of the Shangguan family claimed that he had already worn them out, but the truth was that he restored those utensils carefully, and then sold them in the black market.

But this business was not good. After a few months, there were still a few golden cups and silver pots left on his stall.

Gu Shenwei squatted down, pretending to choose something.

Shangguan Hongye, in servant clothing and with ragged cotton mask, was telling an extravagant account of his merchandise in a rather low voice, as if his dirty stuff were all second-hand king’s utensils.

Here came the other rule of the black market: Do not make loud noises.

Gu Shenwei took out a few silver coins, which was the “wage” that Tie Hanfeng gave Gu Shenwei after when he had killed the horse-faced man. Shangguan Hongye’s eyes gleamed thrillingly.

“What would you like? Take a look at this bedpan. It’s pure gold.”

“I want nothing but your favor.” Gu Shenwei pulled off the black cover on his face so that Shangguan Hongye could recognize him.

“Get away from me. I… I came here for fun, not for business.”

Gu Shenwei took out some silver coins again, because he was very sure that this guy would yield to the temptation of money, regardless of his violent appearance.

Shangguan Hongye stopped packing up his stall. He hated his impoverished status more than his own weakness. Seeing Gu Shenwei taking back the coins, he stepped up, pressed Gu Shenwei’s hands, and said, “What favor are you asking? I pray it’s not another gamble.”

“No it isn’t. Do you know if Master Yu is still studying in school?”

“She seldom goes to school.” Shangguan Hongye withdrew his hands, because he did not want to offend Shangguan Yushi anymore.

“Help me find out if Master Yu knows somebody in Pyrowork Academy.”

“Ha, I know the answer already. Her elder brother stays there every day.”

The moment Shangguan Hongye said this, he regretted, “Why should I give him the information before he pays?” Gu Shenwei asked a few more questions and then paid all the silver coins to Shangguan Hongye.

He knew it by then.

Shangguan Yuxing was an infamous loser in his family. He was good at eating, drinking, f*cking, and gambling, anything except reading and martial arts. He worked as a man in charge in East Castle for a while, and was familiar with the rules and markets in each yard of East Castle. After being fired, he managed to acquire a title called “counselor”, and started his underground career of solving people’s “personal issue”.

“Counselor” was not a formal title as “blademaster”, “overseer”, or “supervisor”, and was not on the register. These people did not get paid, and their only privilege was a free passage to some specific places.

In fact, Gu Shenwei had seen Shangguan Yuxing at a time when he did not know about the man’s identity.

Shangguan Yuxing was a young man in his 20s who resembled his younger sister in some aspects. Unlike Shangguan Yushi who had long arms and legs, he was slim and was of average height.

Just like Tie Hanfeng, he was active in every corner of Pyrowork Academy and mingled with every yellow-belt steward. However, he had never approached Slave Huan, who had thought that he was a servant. It never came to Gu Shenwei that he was the enemy’s brother.

Gu Shenwei quickly confirmed that the one who followed him every time he dumped corpses was Shangguan Yuxing.

After a few days of observation, he decided to meet the follower. The stewards treated Shangguan Yuxing worse than Iron Cripple, because he had no influence within the fort. Therefore Gu Shenwei felt that he could beat Shangguan Yuxing in order to send a message to that little she-devil.

“A killer only uses his own knife.” Gu Shen had prepared his message which he will send to Shangguan Yushi.

When there were three days left until the fourth monthly test, Gu Shenwei went to Pyrowork Academy alone and picked a corpse. As usual, he left alone with the corpse.

It did not take long for him to notice someone stalking him, because Shangguan Yuxing was not skilled at tracking people.

But Gu Shenwei did not go to Reincarnation Cliff this time. Instead, he turned to Giant Rock Cliff. When he arrived, he immediately laid down the corpse, hid behind the giant rock entrance, drew out his saber, and held breath to wait for his stalker.

Very soon, there was a faint gasping sound coming from the other side of the giant rock.

Gu Shenwei suddenly moved to the other side, grabbed the follower’s clothes in the front with his left hand, and with his right hand he positioned the saber on the other’s neck. He was about to speak when he felt his heart tremble, and then together with the prey, he leaped back to dodge this sudden attack.

Someone else was following Shangguan Yuxing!

The other youngster with a valiant countenance was also around 14 years old, short but sturdy, in a black suit without a mask, and holding a saber as well. At a glance, Gu Shenwei knew that he was a killer apprentice.

Judging by his ability to control his breath at will, Gu Shenwei knew his kung fu was not weak.

Gu Shenwei pushed Shangguan Yuxing away, focusing on this unexpected expert.

It took Shangguan Yuxing a few spins to hold his feet. With a bodyguard beside him, he said in an intense tone, “Easy, asshole.”

“Why are you following me?”

“Just to find out what you’re doing.”

“Leave me alone. Tell your sister that she can approach me herself.”

“My sister? It has nothing to do with her! Sh*t, you must be f*cking swearing. Cloud Panther, go!”

The youngster named Cloud Panther had been waiting for this all along. He lifted up the saber to show his stance, and his hardy muscles were evident through his clothes.

It surprised Gu Shenwei once again. “Who’s behind Shangguan Yuxing, if he didn’t do this for her younger sister?” There was no time for him to dig out the truth, and he took out his saber to prepare for the battle. This apprentice was stronger than all his opponents in the previous monthly tests, thus he could not afford to be distracted.

“Hey, you two are supposed to meet in three days. Why bother waiting? Just do it now.” Shangguan Yuxing said, and stayed back as he waited for the show to start.

The two remained facing each other for a long time, neither launching an attack. They were both outstanding among the 600 apprentices, and they both could discern the killing intent from each other. Unless one could find a flaw from the other, he would not waste the first move.

Shangguan Yuxing was unaware of the tension. What he saw was just two slow and somber youngsters, and he was very disappointed. “Move! What are you waiting for?”

Cloud Panther finally attacked. His movement was not very fast, but steady and fierce. Like Gu Shenwei, he was adept at frontal attacks.

Gu Shenwei could choose to counter him by moving faster, but the “slow movement” could often be a trap set by those who attacked relentlessly. Therefore, Gu Shenwei directly took the strike. When the two sabers met, his arm became slightly numb from the impact.

His Internal Strength was even more potent than some adult killers’ because his Yin and Yang Strength was at the third level. It surprised him that there was another youngster who had more power than him.

This irritated Gu Shenwei, and he struck back with his saber, trading blow for blow with Cloud Panther. The two clashed with their sabers harder and harder, faster and faster by taking advantage of each other’s force, while Shangguan Yuxing had to step back due to the shockwaves caused by the clashing sabers.

“What the f*ck. Motherf*cker…” Shangguan Yuxing cursed non-stop. Apparently, he did not know of a way to express how astounded he was.

After having traded over 50 blows, the two youngsters stepped back at the same time because they both needed to gasp for breath.

It was the very first time Gu Shenwei had met his match, and that killer apprentice was also adept at frontal attacks. Therefore, a sense of fellowship arose in Gu Shenwei. On the contrary, his opponent did not feel the same. The short youngster had killing eyes, as if he would not be satisfied until he slaughtered the enemy.

“Have I offended you?”

Gu Shenwei asked Shangguan Yuxing, while staring at Cloud Panther.

“Ask yourself. Somebody did hate you though, and wanted your head.”

If it was not Shangguan Yushi who wanted to kill him, then Gu Shenwei thought about Miss Luo Ningcha. After all, he had seen how the children of the Shangguan family were obsessed with money. “What did Bighead Kingpin promise you?”

“Bighead Kingpin? How come?” Shangguan Yuxing frowned and felt weirder.

Gu Shenwei was becoming more confused. He could not think of anyone other than those two women who would have wanted to kill an apprentice . “Did that man aim to remove the ‘killer mentor’ title of Tie Hanfeng? No, it can’t be, I had just killed his enemy in some South City alley.”

Cloud Panther attacked again, with quick strokes. Gu Shenwei vigorously met the attacks head on. After trading another 10 blows, the two split up again. No one won.

Shangguan Yuxing panicked, he had never seen Cloud Panther’s enemy survive after two rounds. “What are you waiting for? Use your ultimate skill! I didn’t pay you for nothing.”

The reticent Cloud Panther heard the command. His eyes glowed with more ferociousness, and he tightened his whole body like a sharp arrow.

Seeing this, Gu Shenwei felt sorry for him. Cloud Panther was strong, and his bladesmenship was swift and fierce. He might even triumph if he continued to attack at his pace. But now he became so impatient that he wanted to take pre-emptive move before adjusting his breath, which definitely would leave weakness. Therefore, Gu Shenwei was most certain to win the next round.

Even a loser like Shangguan Yuxing had smelled blood, and he crossed his hands in excitement.

They were just about to attack, when they were interrupted by a strange and harsh roar.

The sound came from underneath the cliff and it sounded as if countless rocks were rolling down. It was earthshakingly noisy and it seemed as if the whole Giant Rock Cliff would collapse in no time.

The tension between the two vanished, and they all stared at the cliff in surprise. After a moment, they were dumbstruck when a monster jumped up to the cliff.

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