The Female Soldier Has Been Told to Infiltrate the Imperial Magic Academy

Chapter 89

The command centre was covered with barriers and hidden with illusion. Razé entered the place and stood in front of a tent that was tightly guarded. She hadn’t had time to change her uniform that got dirtied during the battle earlier. But she knew they wouldn’t be picky about her appearance. She was not in a mood to clean her clothes with magic.

She took a deep breath and greeted the soldiers who were guarding the entrance. After receiving their permission, she stepped into the tent.

The moment she entered the tent, she saw the group of youth dressed in school uniform. She was stunned speechless, but only for a moment. When she saw Gaius, she immediately knelt down and greeted him.

“Reporting to Your Majesty, we have annihilated the enemy forces.”

She only knew that the top leaders would be here but didn’t expect the emperor himself would come visit this place. Of course, she didn’t expect those students would be here too.

Calm down. I’m Razé Orphan now.

She couldn’t be rude in front of Gaius. She knelt down, dropped her gaze down on the floor and tried to hide her agitation desperately.

Gaius: “You may rise.”

She raised her head and tried to maintain a poker face while looking at Gaius.

Gaius: “You’ve worked hard. A celebration party will be held soon. You should get some rest until then.”

“Yes,” Razé replied briefly. She could feel the indescribable atmosphere inside the tent.

Gaius knew the reason very well. “We’re having a special class for these excellent golden eggs. Why don’t you give them a self-introduction?”

Razé could only do as he said. She had avoided eye contact with them but now she looked at them straight in the eyes. She was unable to guess what they felt about her from their stiff expression.

Razé opened her heavy mouth. “My name is Razé Orphan, a Lieutenant Colonel from the Monster Hunting Department of Shian Imperial Army. Before this, I’ve worked undercover as Razé Granoli for my mission in Centrior Imperial Magic Academy. Please accept my deepest apology for any disrespectful behaviour.”

She turned towards Ruben who was standing in the centre and bowed her head. There was a sound of someone taking a step back after watching her calm and reserved manners. She waited for a while but nobody replied to her. However, Razé could not raise her head without Ruben’s permission.

“… You don’t have to apologize.” It took Ruben a few seconds to come back to his senses. Somehow, it felt much longer than it actually was.

“I’m grateful for your generous understanding.” The cheerful Razé who was always laughing with Carna and Folia at the academy no longer exist. Her formal and reserved attitude was not pretentious but something that came naturally from her everyday conduct.

Gaius looked at her bloodstained uniform covered with dirt. “Sorry for taking your time, you must be tired. You can leave now.”

Even though she had no physical injury, she had worked hard participating in the coup and the final battle. She was also human; it was only natural to be tired.

“Thank you. May god bless Shian.” Razé greeted a farewell. She stood up and turned her back.

“Wa- Wait!” Folia shouted to stopped her. She ran and grabbed Razé’s arm. Then, she activated her healing magic. If she saw someone was injured, she would heal them. Folia was that type of person.

Razé knew it too, but she was unable to accept it. “It’s okay, I’m fine.” She pulled back her arm gently.

Folia looked like she was about to cry after Razé refused to accept her healing. It was the first time Razé had rejected her.

“There are still lots of injured soldiers that need healing more than I do.” Razé’s heart was hurt when saw Folia’s reaction, but the belief that she held as a soldier wouldn’t allow her to accept her gesture of kindness. “I’m grateful for your kindness. But you… You shouldn’t be here.”

Except for Ruben, she didn’t feel that these members should come to this gloomy place. They should hurry and go back to the academy. They should enjoy their school life. It was her job to keep the peace.

Razé looked at Folia’s hand that got dirtied after touching her sleeves when she grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry, your hand got dirtied. Please make sure to clean it later. Well then–.”

Razé no longer looked back at them and left the tent. The sun was about to set. The dark red sun was calling the night. Razé walked while thinking that today she could take a bath and sleep in a clean, fluffy bed …


Tears were welling up in her eyes, perhaps sand got into them. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

* * *

Two days later.

Razé had a brief free time after accomplishing a major mission, so she right away went to visit the Imperial Hospital. She and some of the members of her 537th SAB went there in their military uniform, not the dirty combat uniform. They walked with a heavy gait.

The hospital ground was quite large and the entrance felt so far away. Maybe it was because they were exhausted from the war, or maybe they were mentally stressed thinking that Victor might never wake up anymore. Either way, they had to go see him. The petite Razé led the group of burly men towards the entrance of the hospital. She pulled her cap to hide her face from the civilians.


Razé thought the voice she heard for the first time in a few days was her imagination. However—

“Thank you for your hard work!!”

It really was Victor’s voice. Razé promptly raised her head and saw Victor wearing hospital gown giving her a salute. She wondered whether she was dreaming. He was supposed to be severely injured. His whole body was corroded with black wounds. Even the military healer had told her that he couldn’t be saved.

Razé stood still unable to move while thinking that this couldn’t be real. Her subordinates left her behind rushing over towards their comrade who they thought they could never talk to again.

“This kid!!”

“How dare you make me worried!!!”

The men hugged Victor tightly without holding back their strength. Razé, who couldn’t move even one step from the spot, stared at the scene and noticed someone was standing behind them.

Folia: “Razé-chan!”

Carna: “Razé!”

The friends that she had been lying to all this while were here. Folia and Carna were running towards her. She knew it right away – Folia must have been the one who had healed Victor with purification.

Why did she help me?

Why is she calling my name after I’d left without saying a word?

Her field of vision became hazy and she couldn’t see what was in front of her. She wondered if this was a dream. If it was a dream, she wanted to run too and go to Folia and Carna.

I’m sorry I lied.

I’m sorry I left without a word.

I’m sorry for pushing you all away.

Razé wanted to tell them she was sorry but she didn’t think she had the right to do so. She felt they might not forgive her and they might be angry. She didn’t think they could accept someone like her who had killed for a living. She wanted to put away Razé Granoli’s identity and keep it well.

Razé couldn’t move because she was afraid that the things she had acquired so far would collapse. The two girls were coming close. She needed to say something, but she didn’t know what to say. Various emotions rushed to her at once.

“Razé-chan…” Folia called her name and stood in front of her. She didn’t seem angry at all.

Razé was at a loss for words when she saw their sad faces that looked like they were about to cry. She was grateful to them for saving her family member that she thought couldn’t be saved anymore.

They’re still willing to see me again…

Razé couldn’t hold back her emotion anymore. Her feelings became messy as tears spilled from her eyes. She pulled down the brim of her cap to hide her face.

“…Tha- Thank you,” Razé said in a quivering voice. It was all that she could say. She hunched her shoulder and tried hard to swallow the sound that was about to escape from her lips. Large drop of tears fell down her cheeks.

Razé was crying. It was the first time Carna and Folia had seen her crying. They muffled their voices and shed tears.

Carna: “!! Razé-”

Folia: “Razé-chan no baka!” [1]

Both of their beautiful faces were messed with tears as they hugged Razé. They couldn’t stop crying when they imagined the struggle she had went through. Thinking that they might be unable to see her again had amplified their anxiety. They were really happy that she had come back alive.

Folia: “Why did you leave without saying anything?”

Carna: “You made us so worried. We all were looking for you and then found out that Razé Granoli is dead. It doesn’t make senses.”

Razé was overwhelmed with emotion. She lowered her head and just listened to their words without saying anything. She knew that they were angry but she could feel their warm kindness when they hugged her.

Carna: “But still, I’m glad that Razé is alive.”

Razé took her hand off of her cap. Folia and Carna pulled back their arms and took a step back. They looked at Razé’s tearful face.

Razé frowned her brows. “You must be disappointed with me when you find out Razé Granoli is this kind of person,” she said in a quivering voice. She felt her heart was about to crush with anxiety.

Folia: “How could it be?”

Carna: “Of course not.”

Tears were welling up in Razé’s eyes when she heard their words.

“We’re not disappointed with you and we don’t hate you,” Folia emphasized strongly. “Victor told me that you like to tell stories about us whenever you go back to the military. I know you’ve worked hard and think of us as important friends. I missed you so much.” She looked straight into her eyes.

The fact that they had come this far for her made Razé so happy. “Me too. I’ve missed you so much.”

This time, Razé was the one who spread her hands wide and hugged Folia and Carna.

[1] <insert name> no baka! literally means “you’re such an idiot!” It is a cute, childish way to curse at someone and not really offensive. Mostly use by young kids and female. If you are an adult guy, please don’t use this. ↩

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