Divine Throne of Primordial Blood

Book 7, 87: Free and Unfettered

Suddenly, a vortex formed around Frost’s body that seemed to sucked all of that golden light into itself into Frost’s body, causing the amount of immortal energy in his body to surge once more. That surge actually allowed him to withstand the combined attacks of the other two projections.

The two projections had a seemed to panicked expression on their faces, but Frost merely chuckled. , “Indeed, the divine power of a dead gods is much easier to absorb. I still prefer to absorb the divine power of living gods, though.”

Frost was able to clearly sense the difference in the quality of the divine power that was provided by a dead god versus an a live one.

The dead projection’s divine power was much easier to absorb.

And converting the opponent’s divine power into immortal energy both weakened their the opponent’s attacks and supplied him with strength. Frost recklessly continued to absorb theed divine power, and his cultivation rapidly advanced quickly going from Great Success at the stage of Foundation Establishment Great Success to Peak Foundation Establishment the stage of Consummation.

Yormak could sense the atypical changes taking place within Frost’s body. The more he watched, the wider his His eyes went wide with shock.

Suddenly, Frost’s strength surged as he began to charge into the Golden Pill Realm.

Because of his tie to Su Chen, Frost already had some experience with in breaking into the Golden Pill Realm. Even so, he was quite bold the audacity to try to and ascend while in the middle of a battle was quite something. Because Frost’s ability to absorb the divine energy was limited, but yet he didn’t want to let the rest of the all this divine power go to waste either. Thus, he had chosen to ascend at that exact moment. The first prerequisite to of ascendsion was to possess enough immortal energy, and Yormak’s projections were became the best cultivation resources that he had access to.

Yormak was deeply humiliated by the fact that his opponent was using his projections m as nothing more than a cultivation resource source of energy for his ascension. “How arrogant!”

The Abyss Dagger, which had been glowing with a faint purplish-black color before up until this point, suddenly began to radiate with a blinding, multicolored light.

“So you’re Ffinally going to take taking me seriously?” Frost chuckled.

As Frost he continued to focus on breaking into the Golden Pill Realm, his figure Frost began to merginge with the Su Chen Aspect of Su Chen that was behind his back. Suddenly, he roared with an unexpected ferocity. The Shining Dragon began to dance animatedly as the seven Desolate Beasts joined in on the echoed his howling, all of them unleashing a primal aura. For just a moment, it felt seemed as if they had all been transported back to an ancient time, back to when the gods and the Origin Beasts were still desperately vying fighting for supremacycontrol.

In this clash between gods and beasts, the first one to tap out was Yormak.

This was not just because he was a projection, but also because the Origin Beasts were intrinsically equal to had never been weaker than the gods in the first place.

In terms of pure strength, even the gods could not contest defeat the Origin Beasts. But because the gods were born with a comprehension of by relying on Method Power, they the gods were much more adaptable and could use a variety of techniques to deal with the Origin Beasts.

The fact still remained that the gods, like Yormak, were far inferior to the Origin Beasts in terms of strength. And that wasn’t even mentioning In a contest of pure strength, however, the gods were far inferior, not to mention the fact that Yormak was nothing more than a projection at the moment.

Against When faced with the combined assault of eight Bbeasts simultaneously, the divine power that being gathered by Yormak’s projections had gathered was forcibly dissipated.

Frost charged forwards and planted a fist into another one of the projections’ onto Yormak’s midsection. “For the Origin Realm!”

“ARGH!” Yormak cried out in pain.

Frost’s fist sent a torrent of immortal energy rushing into Yormak’s body, penetrating him like a sharp knife. As soon as the immortal energy entered, it which began to rapidly wreak havoc in his body.

No, a knife wouldn’t have done been capable of doing so much damage. Only immortal energy could.

Yormak’s body began to glow with golden light once more. This time, however, the light was no longer pure; it seemed appeared to be have been tainted by a white light.

When a god’s power was contaminated no longer pure, their strength would also begin to decline significantly.

Yormak felt a wave of fear wash rush over him —- the fear of being destroyed.

He was not afraid of this projection dying. Instead, but he could sense that, if he were to allowed Frost’s this strength to fully develop reach its peak, this person would be able to it was more than sufficient to pose a serious threat to his main body, and perhaps even to all of the gods.

“Be careful!” he howled as fiercely as he could, trying to inform the heavens of what had just taken place.

“Your voice will not reach them,” Frost said replied coldly. Immortal energy continued to pour into Yormak’s body.

He had now confirmed by now that immortal energy could not only devour divine power, but it could also deal serious damage to the godsthem.

Specifically, he had verified that Iimmortal energy could restricting the gods was confirmed by now.

However, Yormak had probably seen this kind of energy before. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have called it a forbidden energy.

This energy was also why Su Chen was confident had faith that they had the ability would be able to defeat the gods.

Yormak’s projection eventually gave out under the constant infusion of immortal energy. In the end, Frost’s Iimmortal energy overloaded rampaged through his body, and blew eventually blowing it open from within, and supplying Frost with even more immortal energy.

Now, that there was only one projection remaining. ed, Frost left the rest to Number One and refocused all of his attention onto properly ascending.

The vast amount of converted divine power provided filled his body with a seemingly limitless endless amount of immortal energy. In the past, Su Chen had only been able to form forming a Golden Pill after using the had necessitated the use of Dream Demons of from the Dreamrealm as a resource. Now, however, there was no need for Frost to do that; he could directly form and refine the Golden PIll in his body with the available immortal energy.

Additionally, as As Su Chen’s strength had increased, and as his insights into this new he had managed to develop this cultivation system deepened, he had developed into a much more well-defined path. By this point, there was no longer any need for Frost to rely on external help.

Finally, a Golden Pill formed in Frost’s body.

The Golden Pill pulsated in Frost’s body, filling it with immortal energy. A mysterious fog began to enshroud it.

“Very good!” Frost smiled slightly as he inspected the changes that had taken place in his body. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Yormak’s third projection.

The Abyss Dagger slashed backwards, but Frost reached out and stopped it in its tracks with a single hand.

Then, he jabbed out with his finger once more.

God-Killing Jab.

Originally, only Ultimate Emperor Realm Su Chen could fully unleash its power, but now the Golden Pill Frost was able to unleash it with similar ease. The support of immortal energy allowed him to shatter the dagger with a single strike.

Frost opened his mouth wide and absorbed all of the divine power that burst forth, causing Yormak to tremble in fear.

Now that his cultivation base had ascended, his appetite had increased as well. Frost felt that he was more than capable of devouring yet another projection’s divine power.

This time, however, his method of consumption was also different.

Instead of killing Yormak and then devouring him, or slowly siphoning away his divine power during the battle, Frost opened his mouth wide and swallowed Yormak’s projection whole.

Even though Yormak’s projection would turn into nothing more than a mass of divine power upon entering Frost’s body, the outward scene appeared quite cannibalistic and grisly.

Even Number One revealed a somewhat disgusted expression.

“NOO-” Yormak howled before his voice was cut off.

Frost could sense Yormak being “digested” within his body, and he patted his stomach with satisfaction. Three Yormak projections was quite a satisfying meal.

The Assassination Cavalry below, on the other hand, were terrified.

Their god had actually been eaten!

What kind of terrifying enemy were they up against?

All of the Assassination Cavalry instantly panicked.

Number One glanced at the Assassination Cavalry and asked, “What should we do about them?”

Frost burped, then said, “Kill them all...... What happened today cannot spread.”

“Understood.” Number One raised his blade and began to lumber down the mountain.

With Number One’s support, the battle turned into a slaughter.

Soon, the slaughter ended.

The Assassination Cavalry had been wiped out, and the puppets returned to their original station. Silence fell across the Glorious Sect Mountain once more.

Frost, however, knew that this quiet was only temporary. The gods would return soon.

“It’s time to go,” Frost said.

His whole reason for waiting here was to consume the projections and obtain more divine power.

Now, he was leaving because he knew that he was still far from being able to face a god head-on.

That night, Frost took Number One with him, along with the spoils he had claimed as the chief high priest and left.

The chief high priest’s sudden disappearance even left Ancient Gong stunned.

Thankfully, Frost left behind a letter saying that he was a wanderer at heart and had no interest in meddling with secular affairs. His helping the Qiang Tribe rise to the top was just an execution of the will of the heavens. Now that he had succeeded in his mission, it was time for him to retreat. Hopefully, the Barbarians would continue the fight and claim the humans as well, establishing an exceptionally powerful country.

And with that, Frost left.

Of course, “wanderlust” and “executing the will of the Heavens” was just a bunch of rubbish. The Barbarians, surprisingly, believed his words.

At first, the Barbarians had been terrified of Frost’s power and authority. Even Ancient Gong was exceptionally cautious of him, since he couldn’t forget the feeling of being completely helpless in Frost’s hand. In fact, he had even prepared a secret task force to keep an eye on this chief high priest of theirs in case he ever tried anything funny.

Frost’s departure, however, left a good impression on Ancient Gong.

He felt that this chief high priest of theirs was a truly exceptional individual, and that it was a pity they hadn’t managed to convince him to stay longer.

Ancient Gong even invited a group of Barbarian scholars to study Frost’s writings and record what he had done. Eventually, they published it under the title A Free and Unfettered Will, which served both as a biography as well as a testimony of his carefree demeanor and lack of attachment to power.

From Ancient Gong’s viewpoint, this kind of a chief high priest was the best kind of chief high priest. His actions and thoughts were worth studying and emulating.

This book stirred up and influenced the Barbarian population quite a bit. Those who had some cultivation talent dared not call themselves cultivators if they had not undertaken a journey of their own. Those in office would occasionally resign from power to demonstrate their lack of attachment to power and authority.

At first, this was merely the practice of the Barbarians, but after countless years, when Frost’s true identity was revealed, these records of Frost’s distinguished and mighty actions became virtually legendary, to the point that some even spread to the Origin Realm. When combined with the Boundless Sect’s cultivation system and manner of behavior, the records eventually became sacred writings in the cultivation world.

Of course, these things would not take place for many years. At the moment, Ancient Gong hadn’t even thought of distributing the book.

After leaving the Barbarians, Frost began to return the way he had come.

He needed to go find Isabella and stir up some more chaos.

Unlike before, however, as his strength had increased, so had his extravagance and ability to influence the situation at large.

This time, he had come up with a new plan.

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