Life, Once Again!

After Story 138

“I came to pick you up because I was passing by. But that ended unexpectedly quickly. Did you break up after eating?” Yeonjoo asked as Haneul got in the car. In her hands was some coffee.

“Yeah. I would’ve stayed for a little more if we ended up talking a little more about the collab, but the atmosphere wasn’t like that.”

Haneul pulled on the seat belt. She had eaten so much that she had to undo the button on her pants, and she felt drowsy the moment she sat down. She had to enjoy the happiness of eating while she still didn’t have a shoot.

“What do you mean, the atmosphere wasn’t like that?”

“There was no mention of work at all, just personal conversations. Even then, more than half of it was him boasting about himself.”

“Designer Na Baekhoon boasted about himself the whole time?”

“Not blatantly, but ultimately, he was basically talking about how good of a man he was. The food was so good, so I just responded moderately to kill time.”

“Really? That’s different from the rumors. I heard he’s really humble and modest.”

“I guess people are the same. They just need to show what’s appropriate for the occasion. That person must’ve thought that such an attitude was appropriate for today\'s occasion.”

“There are occasions where boasting is appropriate?”

“There sure are.”

It was natural for a male beast who wanted to spend a hot night to boast about its slick fur and big body.

“Also, what’s that bag?”

“A scarf. He gave it to me as a gift.”

“Try opening it. I want to have a look at what a designer-made product is like. Eterium is more expensive than most brands.”

Haneul opened the box and took out the scarf that was fixed in place with a pin. It was a light-green scarf.

She unfurled the scarf before folding it and putting it in the box again.

“It’s not to my taste.”

“Why? It’s pretty.”

“I don’t like the color. If you like it, do you want it?”

“You got it as a gift, so the one who gave it to you might hate it if you give it away.”

“If you don’t want it, then fine. I guess I’ll put it on my cat.”

“If you’re giving it to a cat, then you might as well give it to me,” Yeonjoo asked as she gave Haneul a glance.

Haneul smiled and put the paper bag in the back seat.

“Oh, right. Didn’t you say there was another model? How did that go?”

“Now you feel like a full-fledged businesswoman, asking stuff like that.”

Haneul opened the window. She was feeling sleepy because her stomach was active. She felt like she needed some fresh air to stay focused. The car was standing still making the wind lukewarm, but it was still better than the air from the air conditioner.

“She looked like she’d do well.”

“Really? From what I heard from the head manager over there, apparently, the two of you got scouted together because the vibe you get off is similar.”

Vibe, huh? Haneul looked outside the window.


“Anyway, good luck with that. Not anyone can model for Eterium. I heard that female celebrities would competitively buy clothes whenever they release their clothing line every season.”

“I’ll do as much as I’m paid for. I like doing modeling work, but I want to focus on acting more. Once I’m done with this, I’m going to hand over most of the things to you. The president also knows how well you’ve been doing until now, so he shouldn’t have any complaints.”

“Don’t say that and stay next to me a little more. It’s a little too much to do things by myself. Hey, bluntly speaking, I’m only twenty-three this year, you know? If it wasn’t for you, I would still be in college, but now I’m in meetings where money in the hundreds of millions are being exchanged, so it makes my head ache.”

“You get paid the appropriate amount too. You should at least do as much as you’re paid. Also, you’re doing well. Don’t be greedy and keep going as you’re doing now. If you do, some media outlets might contact you for an interview, saying stuff like you are a successful businesswoman in their 20s and whatnot.”

Yeonjoo trembled, saying that she despised the thought of it.

“I’ll drive after drinking this. There’s not a lot left. We can chat in the meanwhile too,” Yeonjoo said, shaking the paper cup.

Haneul told her to take it slow. There was no need to hurry home, and like Yeonjoo said, she wanted to chat a little too. As they were both busy for a while, they had only been talking about work for the past month.

“Right, when are you going to start shooting the movie?”

“There’s no specific schedule yet, but I think it’ll begin around autumn.”

“I’m looking forward to how you’ll appear in a movie.”

“The start is important, so I’m going to squeeze as much as possible out of myself.”

This was an era where individuals were their own media. It was no longer the age of newspapers and TV where the transmission of information was unidirectional, as now, everyone received and transmitted their own information.

If, in the past, being a nameless actor for a period of time was mandatory and inevitable, it was possible to become a star through one work right now. Though, of course, that was as rare as winning the lottery.

“If you do well, I guess the company will become big too.”

“You’re already thinking about stuff like that?”

“I have to. I believe that you’re going to be successful like any other successful actress out there. When you do, though, you have to sign a contract with Friendly Aroma for cheap, okay?”

“I’ll think about it.” Haneul smiled.

Success and failure couldn’t be guaranteed by anyone. However, she felt that she was closer to success than failure. Her basis was her intuition, instinct, and statistics.

“But what part of me makes you think that I’ll be successful as an actress?” Haneul asked.

Yeonjoo flicked her fingers, which were on the wheel.

“If you ask me to pick one thing, then there’s nothing that really comes to mind. That’s because it feels like you’re going to do everything well. It’s funny, isn’t it? I’ve never even seen you acting, but when I see how you work, I think you’re going to do acting easily.”

“Nothing’s easy in this world.”

“You’re right. But there are people who do things easily. I’m not sure about anything else, but I’m quite confident in my discernment, you know? In my eyes, you’re going to sweep the awards.”


“Or maybe not.”

“What a convenient answer.”

“Just wait. When you go up to the stage to comment about winning an award, you’re going to remember this conversation. You have to say my name okay? You have to say that you got the award thanks to Yeonjoo’s encouragement.”

“I’ll definitely say it if I get it.”

Yeonjoo started the car. It seemed she had finished the coffee. Right before she started driving, Yeonjoo turned her head around.

“Right, there is one. The clear reason why you’ll definitely succeed. I guarantee that there’s no one who gives off a vibe like you. I can be sure of that. You’re uni… huh?”

Yeonjoo’s gaze was directed outside the window. Haneul also looked there. She saw Dawoon coming out with head manager Kim from the restaurant.

“It’s head manager Kim. Then the one next to her is the model who’s shooting with you?”

“She is.”

“Didn’t you split up after the meal? Why are those two…. Wait. That person in front of the car is Na Baekhoon, isn’t he?”

Head manager Kim brought Dawoon to the car before leaving.

Na Baekhoon opened the door to the passenger seat. Dawoon carefully got on it. The car soon drove off.

“What was that?” Yeonjoo asked, looking at Haneul.

“What was what?”

“Why are you here, and why are those two together?”

“Maybe they have something to talk about between just the two of them.”

“Yeah, but why just the two of them? They signed a model contract with you too.”

“Why bother thinking so much? Let’s go home already. I’m sleepy.”

“Aren’t you concerned? What are you going to do if that designer decides to be biased toward that model?”

“They can do that all they want. I’m done as soon as I shoot the photos for the advertisement.”

Yeonjoo narrowed her eyes.

“Are those two perhaps meeting up not because of work but as a man and a woman? No wait, that can’t be right. Those two must be more than a decade apart.”



“Stop writing a script for a morning drama and just go. So what if those two start dating or not? They’re both adults.”

“But she’s still a model who’ll be working with you. The designer calling her out separately like that is a little….”

“If he was so careless in his work, then he wouldn’t have gained his current reputation. I don’t care as long as the collab goes successfully. Bluntly speaking, It’ll be even better if those two end up well. The designer would be more focused on the work.”

Yeonjoo started driving.

“That’s true, but it just feels iffy.”

“Don’t bother. It’s someone else’s matter.”

Haneul put on some music and leaned back. A symphony she had heard many times but did not know the name of was flowing out. After the song ended, the radio DJ said the name of the track.

Sernoff Symphony No. 6. March of the Maids.

“Tell me if they do discriminate against you. I’ll give them a warning,” Yeonjoo said.

Haneul smiled and responded that she would.

* * *

“You said you were twenty-two, didn’t you?”


Dawoon picked up the cocktail glass. Her hands and feet were trembling before coming inside the house, but now she had calmed down.

When she calmed down, the rest of the scenery entered her eyes. The Han River she could see through a full-pane window was like a piece of art. On the left wall was a watercolor painting by an artist she didn’t know.

Other than that, the whole house was black. The wallpaper, the furniture, and even down to the carpet on the floor. The plates were white at least, which was fortunate.

“So you aren’t a child then?”

“Right. I’m not a child.”

“Then what’s the reason you came all the way here?” Na Baekhoon asked while drinking some of the cocktail.

“Because you invited me….”

“You go to anyone’s house just because they invite you?” He grinned.

Dawoon felt her mouth going dry. She quickly drank the cocktail. After a popping fizz was a taste of sweetness.

“I don’t want to be roundabout after coming all the way here. So, I want you to be honest as well, Miss Dawoon. It’s a little frustrating to talk to each other with masks on, don’t you think?”

Na Baekhoon undid a button on his shirt. Dawoon kept drinking the cocktail. She was not planning to stay oblivious.

The reason she accepted the invitation, the reason she was worried on her way here, and the reason she was shaking were all for the sake of one thing, and she had made her decision.

“You see. I can do quite a lot of things. Eterium is one of them. However, Eterium is nothing but a small part of me. Recently, I have taken an interest in movies. That’s why I’m preparing something, and there will soon be results.”

“I see.”

He poured some drinks into her glass. It wasn’t a cocktail this time. A strong alcoholic smell wafted off the drink that fell on top of the thick block of ice.

“You said you weren’t a child, didn’t you?” he asked as he looked at the glass.

She clenched her eyes shut and drank it. It was bitter, hot, and made her tongue numb. She then ate the fruit that he handed over with his hands.

“Whether it was you or Miss Han Haneul, I got the feeling when I saw the two of you. Ah, both of these women are ores. But honestly speaking, the one I wanted more was Miss Han Haneul. You’re okay, but how should I put this… Miss Han Haneul had the image of a jewel that looked good anywhere with a little bit of polishing… no, because she was already polished. She’s a mysterious jewel that was luxurious and yet still friendly. Really, she was desirable.”

“You mean to say I’m severely lacking?” Dawoon raised her voice.

“From a business standpoint, you are a little bit.”

Dawoon clenched her hands.

He continued, “But through my hands, that can change. I told you, didn’t I? That the two of you have a similar image. I heard from head manager Kim that you’re aiming to be Miss Haneul. That’s when I realized that you must be a greedy woman.”

“I want to stand on a higher ground than Han Haneul.”

“And why is that?”

“Do I have to say that too?”

“It’s good to know as a business partner.”

Dawoon twitched her lips before eventually speaking,

“There’s a man I want to steal. I know it sounds ridiculous. But it’s an important matter to me. I feel like I can only rest at ease if I get acknowledged by that person. I feel like only then will I be able to exist as me.”

“Good. I like such primitive reasons like that.”

He then proceeded to kiss her. Dawoon let her stiffened body fall into his arms. After their lips fell apart, she asked,

“What can you give me?”

“If there are similar products in the market, then the one who comes out first has the advantage, an overwhelming advantage, in fact. I will give you the gift of originality. You will not be a second Han Haneul, but Han Haneul will be a second Jung Dawoon.”

Dawoon nodded after letting out a shaky breath. It was the answer she wanted.

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