Level up Zombie

Chapter 66 Back Outside (Part 1)

Zain had been in the strange vision for much longer than he thought. At first he was confused by Shark\'s wording as he believed that in a few hours time it would be night. Zain had remembered the number one rule of the Reborn, and that was to never go out at night, and for now until he actually knew how dangerous these Demon\'s were he would comply.

It only further proved that he needed to continue to level up and gain exp to fight the new dangers in the world that were popping up.

In the end, he found out that an entire day had passed, and it was the next morning already. How that was possible Zain didn\'t know, and it was hard to say without observing himself or going through a few more of those visions, which he didn\'t want to experience any time soon.

Either way, he was surprised when Shark said they would be leaving today.

After checking his system out, he now realised it was indeed the case.

[Body Functionality at 84 percent]

\'Hmm, it\'s hard to tell if the body functionality is decreasing at a slow rate because of my intelligence or the fact I was just lying idle doing nothing for the entire day. Probably a combination of the two reasons.\'

In terms of energy, it didn\'t matter much as there was so much flesh in the fridge being stored that the group didn\'t even see the need to ration it. The meat was pretty easy for them to get by heading outside, but it did make Zain wonder that although it wasn\'t a problem right now, there was a chance it could become one in the future.

Flesh that was fresh enough for them to eat was abundant because plenty of newly killed bodies were lying around, even from the attack not too long ago. However, as time passes, the flesh on those corpses would begin to rot, and it would be harder to get hold of fresh meat.

After the initial stage, the number of human deaths would decrease as they build Shelters and adapt to the world\'s current situation. Then, the only way they could get fresh flesh would be by killing humans themselves. It would no longer be available on the streets like so.

\'This might also be a factor for all the other Zombies as well. What is going to happen when they have nothing to eat? Hopefully, unlike those games, this whole situation will be solved by then, and we might even have a way to cure ourselves as well. Either way, if Shark hasn\'t thought of anything I should bring it up. We could always use the freezer section here, and in other places nearby.\'

Whether this would be a long term base for Zain or not, it was hard to say. But he had to be prepared for anything, and staying here for a while might be one of them. If answers were unable to be found by the military then Zain was sure he could find some from Shark, but it was getting the other to trust him enough that he would spill them.

The rest of the group started to make preparations, each of them gathered weapons and took a bag to store valuable items, like the crystals, they might find on the way.

The only one that wasn\'t packing was Jelly. Apparently, Shark didn\'t include him when discussing all of them going together. Jelly was the protector of the place. Although it did make Zain wonder if there was any other reason for leaving him behind due to his large size, the former did seem slow, but it didn\'t concern him too much, for Zain would be bringing his most valuable item, Skittle.

Turning the large white board over of notes about the Evolved Zombies and more, there was a large map of the city. It was an old fashioned map that Zain hadn\'t seen in ages, since nearly everyone used their mobile phones these days.

It had a red dot for where they were, and then arrows pointing out words along with circles and more.

"Where are we going to be heading to this time? An area we have been to before, so we at least know the layout would be safest, right?" Pink asked, pointing to one of the circles on the map that wasn\'t too far from where they were.

"But we have already been to those areas before, and we didn\'t find any people. I think we have a better chance of finding people holding up somewhere in one place. Many will think the military is coming to save them." Kun explained. "It\'s unlikely they would move about unless they don\'t have any food."

"Oh, then a supermarket or a shopping mall would be good." Fingers suggested. "I know that there are a lot of people in those areas, which means a lot of zombies, but there are also plenty of places for people to hide and unlimited resources for them to use. People get hungry so they will eventually go to these places."

"Yes, eventually is the problem." Kun replied.

The conversation between everyone continued as it was unclear which would be the best method, but that was why they had a leader for making these decisions. When they all turned to Shark though, his response surprised them.

"What do you think, new guy?" Shark asked. "Where would you go if you were travelling on your own or in charge of this group?"

Zain hadn\'t expected them to take his opinion, not of a new guy, and his way certainly wasn\'t the safest way, that was for sure.

"I would have gone to one of the craters, where the meteorites had landed. There are other personal reasons, but I mainly want to see what they are or do. There might be others thinking the same, and the military seems to be after them as well.

"We might not find any brains or humans, but time is precious for us, right? So we might as well get something done." Zain replied, and there were a few pulled faces around the room.


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