What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 53 Akashina's Interfering With The Plot


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.Trivia of the day #2: All users with Ultimate magic can tamper or alter the universe in some way


[loyal servant of mine, due to consuming the flesh of Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon, you transcended into 4-factor existence, as rewards I present to you three Options]

. Awaken Vampire deity skill tree

. Awaken Eldritch Vampire skill tree

. Awaken Alien Vampire skill tree

I gaze at the notification before me, the message especially as I said.

"Wait is it by chance Akashina-sama."

However, as I said this, the world around me turn grey and time seem to stop as well.

"Ha what is this it reminds me of the time-stop skill, but for some reason, it looks a lot different."

And once more another screen came before me saying these words.

[Yes greeting Asmodeus I am indeed Akashina the one you sold your soul to, by the way, drop the same your in America, not Japan]

"Haaa... awww... my bad force of habit."

[Well it doesn\'t matter, congratulations on becoming a 4- factor existence, you have found the hidden peace I left for you quicker than I thought, yes the plot armor that is the blessing of Akashina truly is overpowered indeed]

"Plot armor as in a story plot armor."

[No need to worry about it, the true power of my blessing only kicks in when something is challenging your correction duties, although you are still in job training, sadly say you will have to graduate much sooner than I intended]

"I\'m kind of lost master."

[Of course, you are, and that\'s all right, so I will make things short, I came here to make you get stronger as I am in desperate need for you to correct something that doesn\'t belong here, as you are aware my power is so strong It leaks into other God verses, call it unintentional copyright, so far I have already destroyed or subdued many verses with my presence alone, but I met a rather interesting creature a couple of years back, a cute little bitch Is the best way to describe her, never thought I would see something as cunning as that little cosmic horror]

"Wait are you in trouble my master?"

[Hardly, normally I would just erase these nuisances, but this girl is different, killing her the normal way is impossible despite her being weaker than me, her immortality is bullshit if I ever seen one, to think that such a cute little thing can\'t die due to that stupid powers of hers that let her choose any outcomes she desires, and to think she has the boobs to dares challenge me to a game in my one of my universe as well, aww... sigh, I need you to correct what doesn\'t belong here, I need to win at all cost, I hate losing]

"No need to ask, but where do I start master?"

[As you are now it will be impossible, that bitch Setherina Van Anguish is built different, her powers affect even my universe to some extent, and her braves are monsters in their own right as well, don\'t even get me started with her father, just like her there are one and same in the way, the only difference is that man name Mercury Van Anguish is lustful cosmic horror that can make other cosmic horror shit themselves with his glare alone, and of im right he almost as strong as I am, well I have many forms my base form alone is boundless, however, to win this death game my favorite chosen one, you need more power, luckily the real game board Is being created in another universe]

[However, the first game will begin two months from now, so heed my warning young king, gather your vassal, the Demon Kings, that is faithed to rule under you, the journey will be harsh but I believe in my ultimate creation]

"So I will retrieve Sorrow?"

[Yes Ophis, is a bit of a lunatic, but I\'m sure if it\'s you fetching her, then you might tame her find, do with her as you please]

"I understand, your will is my purpose, I will do as I am told."

[Good Very Good, the fables are under your rule as well, when the time comes don\'t be afraid to utilize them, just produce a grand result, because in two months this Omniverse will be a game board like no other]

Upon hearing this I bowed with a great ordeal of respect as I said to Lilith.

"Did you read her messages well Lilith?"

『Loud and clear master』

"Good, we need to get stronger, I will not fail Akashina, what has forcefully entered this universe need to be rendered silent, it doesn\'t belong here, and I will see to it myself, that it is properly erased."

However, as I said this Akashina send another message saying.

[Good with that covered it is time to choose, your skill path]

[This was retrieved at a perfect time too, so I had to make use of the opportunity]

"Ok... am can I get a synopsis of what these skill sets do?"

[Sure no problem]

And right after three screens came before me explaining the skill sets.

As it said upon looking at them.

[Vampire Diety Skill Tree] = The Enlighten Evil

- A skill tree that contains [9] categories each consisting of [9999] skill sets that you need to unlock, keep note that each skill behaves like laws of the universe, with this skill tree, you will unlock a sub-bloodline under the name of your choosing.

Normally a Deity isn\'t a True God for say, but a source of worship and praise, however, they do differ from each other as each Deity is a specialist in something, for example, a Deity of water, has authority over water and that makes them master in all things water.

In this case, the Vampire Deity skill tree will make you control, and have dominion over the following nine laws of the universe, all of which are conceptual (Blood, Life, Death, Darkness, Light, Loyalty, Rule, Punishments, and, Summoning)

[Eldritch Vampire Skill Tree] = The Dark One

- A skill tree that will open up a path of power that surrounds nothing but madness, in terms of power growth this path would be the most efficient growth-wise since you unlock dark powers, All of which are madness-driven, as the more suffering and despair you caused, the stronger you get.

However, this power can consume you if you are not careful, all in all, this would be the worst possible path for a divine being, but if you looking for dark powers this is the way to go.

[Alien Vampire Skill tree] = The Foreign one

- A skill tree that focuses more on machinery and bio base skills, it is the power, that can make its user-achieved divinity and God-hood through science and technology, your blood alone can stretch like a network, that can make you stronger, and acquire more knowledge.

This skill has no limits, but potential-wise, it would be suited for someone with extremely high knowledge as theory and reason would make each skill that is born from this tree a lot more dangerous.

I gaze at all three options in amazement, but honestly, I am evil so Eldritch would be the way to go in my opinion, but Vampire deity is also amazing, the same could be said for Alien, but Lilith would suit that category more.

However, as I was about to pick the one that suited me the best, another message came from the world, it made me happy inside however, what it said gave me a shit ton of emotional damage.

[Asmodeus, I wanted you to take your time, and I don\'t make a hasty and quick decision just like that, think wisely now, don\'t pick Eldritch because it suits your character the most, here is some advice from your creator, please upgrade your "Intelligence", it will do you a lot of justice in the future, you have matured a lot, but your more muscle than brain trust me although intelligence and wisdom is not your super stats, it is a very important stat none the less, remember your not the strongest yet, you\'re a chick that barley left the egg, and there are many people who I can think of that can defeat you with enough prep time, take my foolish advice creation of mine to upgrade your intelligence]


"Haaa, no way, did the world just nicely call me...

『Stupid... yes I also want you to upgrade your intelligence master, I just didn\'t want to mention it to you, as you can be rather hard to convince at times』


At that moment I felt so lost, no hurt is the word, to think both the world and Lilith think I\'m stupid.

『Im not saying you are stupid im just saying you lack proper judgment at times, for example, you have so many abilities, and artifacts but you don\'t even use them』


『Have you forgotten, about the goblin parts you earned, the Fable card you acquired, and most of all the book of fables which is your second strongest ability, you have not utilized a single one of these, maybe it is because you are blinded by the Akashina blessing, but all you have been using is sexual base abilities such as life drain, incubus touch, along with environmental control, even your most useful skill, the eye of truth is still being used incorrectly, have you forgotten you can read minds if you try hard enough, have you forgotten you can, and most of all you haven\'t even use the new feature of the Demon King System, such as the chat group, and Admin rights』





Emotional Damage: ???%




"I don\'t know what to say, I thought I was doing so good being the bad guy, instead I feel like I\'m being called out for being a stupid idiot, have I not been cold or ruthless enough, I kill and be lustful like what was expected of me, is my judgment that flawed?"

『First of all, you are evil and wicked indeed, I will give you a suitable score of 6.7/10 for being and behaving like a demon, your loyalty and devotion from what I have seen so far get a 12/10 as your fate, and belief in Akashina is abnormal even for the firmest of worshipers, while your overall battle skill is 4/10 why well you just swing a sword like a brute, destruction 8/10, this is what makes up for lack of skill, judgment 3/10 I grade this flaw of your so low because you\'re more of "Aww fuck it" type of person, so far I make the necessary judgment for you, as I feel more safe doing this for you, I hoped that you would grow out of this immaturity as you become stronger』


"Aww, I get it, I can be an asshole at times."

『Im not saying being an asshole is a bad thing, kill and torture who you want, just be a wise and smart ass hole and think of the benefits, consequences, and profit ahead of time, for example, Rize is the perfect person to form an influential connection with』

And to add more salt to the wound Akashina spawn another screen in front of me, as it said.

[Asmodeus, that incomplete doll, is a part of the "plot" I have set against "Setherina" Brave, as Rize is a doll I created ahead of time for the sake of meeting the next Demon King for plot progression reasons, and as you are now it would be in your best interest to keep her close, as her power is more than just immortality and absorption, she just hasn\'t been enlightened yet]


Although I still can\'t get over the fact that she talks as if everything is a story.

I shouted with great confusion, but then and again I remember Rize saying along the lines of, "That cow talk as of we are in some story" instantly I began to wonder if my creator and master power has something to do with the broken power of author authority.

If that is the case, then that already gives me a gauge of her true power which is said to be boundless by Gaia and Rize.

Truly my master is amazing, yet another reason I would choose her side over any other, her team is the true winner of this world, and to go against a higher being like her is suicide.

But as I began to think about this, another screen came as it said.

[Yes, if anything me reaching out to you so early in your fable, is something akin to me breaking the fourth wall, but don\'t worry about it, I made you to correct what needs to be corrected, but right now you need to correct the most]

Upon hearing this, I sighed as I said.

"Ok, I will follow your advice, but sadly I don\'t have any SP at the moment."

But upon saying this, A golden screen came before me as it said.

[200 SP has been gifted to you by Akashina]

"Wait just like that?"

[Yes all I ask for in return, is two things, don\'t disappoint me, and make it fun for me, the plot is already in motion, and the first disaster that needs to be corrected is approaching, so make me happy by correcting that bitch pawn, how dare she cross over to my universe and challenge me to a game, honestly I would kill her, but this seems more fun, something different to subside my endless boredom but a little, anyway I wish you luck Asmodeus heheheh... I expect to see great things]

[The frozen world will continue after you pick your new skill tree, I look forward to which path you take, however, none of them would be easy, despite some of the benefits they come with, power isn\'t free you know, it comes at a cost]

With those words said, the world notification screen disappeared, and it was now only me and Lilith, I felt a little bad, but to meet Akashina\'s expectations, and perfect myself I will her advice.

So without any hesitation, a said to Lilith.

『Yes my lige』

"Put +100 Sp into intelligence, and +100 into Wisdom."

『Gladly, prepare for immense pain though, this might feel like both your soul and your mind is going to be crushed and torn apart at the same time』

"Yeah, yeah im used to pa... IIIIINNAANANAN NGHAH AWWWWWHW...

At that moment, Asmodeus announced "he is used to pain" this would have been true, however, the pain of one soul being reshaped, and one mind being completely rebuilt, at the same time, was like no pain Asmodeus has experienced in his life.

And all the sadistic and physical torture he has put his body through to become what he is now, all seems like a mere itch to what he was feeling as of this moment.

The pain was so great, that his mind shut off by itself one second after accepting the upgrade, this day Asmodeus learn two things, one being he is not the strongest and two arrogance come at a cost.

This would be Asmodeus\'s next step into maturity.


His face met with the cold ground of the cemetery, and he began to bleed out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

You can even see the blankness in his eyes, slightly through his almost closed eyelids.

Minutes pass, hours pass, and days pass, well that was supposed to be the case if the world was still not frozen so in real-time not even a microsecond has passed if anything time was still motionless.

However, after weeks of being in this unconscious state that resembles hibernation, signs of responsiveness could finally be seen, as Asmodeus\'s finger twitch slightly.

And then he finally began to open his eyes, he look around for a bit while still lying on the ground, and a moment later he arises and began to sit up.

He looks at this left.

He saw Rize

He looks to his right, he gravestones.

However, the way he looks at things seems so much different, as in her detail of the smallest of things.

Even his facial expressions seem neutral, if anything it was as if his perspective and outlook changed as well.

However, that neutral face slowly revert to a sinister smile, and at that moment only he knew why.

But as did this voice he heard a familiar voice say to him.

『You seem awfully happy my liege』

However what Asmodeus said to Lilith throw her off a little

"Lilith it\'s good to hear from you again, I was starting to feel a little lonely, however, let\'s keep our reunion short, we have much to do, so let\'s get to work, wasting any more time when the situation is dire is annoying me a little bit, first we have to build a foundation, invest the 5,000,000,000$ we now have, gather more demons, and proceed to summon as much fable as we can."

『Haa... where did this come from...

But before Lilith could ponder any further, she was suddenly cut off by Asmodeus as he said.

"Shhhh.... there\'s no need Lilith, I\'m well aware that you want me to ask you how long I was out for, there is no need my partner, I\'m already aware that I have been unconscious for 2,505,600 seconds, which is 29 days exactly."


"And before you ask how I know that, I did what you did, I utilized past knowledge to my advantage to save us some time, you see when we first met you can read me like a book due to our connection, now I can read you like a book as well, oh for your information I 100% agree with your previous personal thought as of two days ago."

『Wait... say what now』

"You couldn\'t say it any better according to your thoughts, we should move, carefully, precisely, and accurately, I am aware you want us to move somewhere isolated, one far from human interference, and slowly build an army, the other monsters might be a problem to our cause was what you said two days ago in your imaginary world."


"To accomplish this though we need more than just Demons, we need as much power fodder under our rule as we can get, to be honest, Rize is indeed a must-have, however, our power is limited without Nero as well, and by the way, the death game you have planned, and already started behind my back was beautifully executed and perfectly constructed my dear, I expect no less from the Arch type of knowledge."

『Master, what the hell happened to you』

"Nothing I\'m perfectly fine, I just got a little smarter is all."

『A little smarter is an understatement, it feels like everything about me is being revealed to you, at a rapid rate』

"Hmmm.... well the reason for that is because I found a way to document knowledge in my brain instantaneously using the eyes of truth, in short when I read your mind I access all information of the past week into myself, but this was easier as I use our connection to get even more information about you."

『+100 intelligence made you this much aware, how this is too much if you ask me』

"Hehehe... normally yes, but have you forgotten that with the eyes of truth I can access any information just by looking, well I now have a perfect memory, I can remember everything, and everything that I have seen is now acceptable in my imaginary library."

『Imaginary Libary, what\'s that』

"It\'s a skill of mine."

『Impossible you don\'t have a skill like that, I would know』

"Fufufu... your only looking at what\'s in front of me my dear Lilith, you don\'t need a skill to swing a stick or drink a cup of water, it\'s something that comes naturally, it\'s intrinsic, in laymen\'s terms my imaginary library is a metaphoric skill it doesn\'t exist because I was born this way kind of thing, in even simpler terms I now have what takes be walking encyclopedia."

At these words, Lilith felt defeated, for the first time her pride as the Arch type of knowledge was wounded to think she thought a lesson of common sense by Asmodeus.

However, there was no need to ponder, as Asmodeus was right, they should get back to work.

So she said.

『I won\'t question it, I\'m just glad you ok』

"No problem, but let\'s get to picking a skill tree."

『Let\'s think together if you want to』

However, Lilith got different from what she was expecting.

"No need, I have already thought this through, I know which one I want."

『Ha, you sure?』

"Yes, I\'m positively sure."

『Ok which skill tree are you going to pick』

"The Vampire Deity skill tree."

Next time: Birth of The Enlightened Evil

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