What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 45 Loyalty


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『Come on tell me what are thinking right now... my liege?』

Lilith asks me in a questioning voice, but I didn\'t answer her immediately, instead, it was silent between us, although I have already made up my mind.


But because of my silence, I could tell that she was hesitant and impatient as she wanted an answer at this moment, as she replied to my silence as such.

『So your not going to speak, tell me what are you thinking』

The answer I had was simple, so I sighed and responded with my honest thoughts.

Sigh-- "How annoying."

But I think Lilith found my response harsh as she said with a grim tone.

『Eh! I see so you find me annoying after all, hehe hehe... what was I even expecting』

But I soon shut her off as I said.

"Of course, I find you annoying, this whole sobby story about purpose and revenge bores me, if you killed the simp Demon king, then you kill her, honestly she was begging to die, and if I had to be real honest with you, then I would have to say, she doesn\'t fit the criteria to be a demon king in the first place, honestly I am disappointed in my predecessor and truly at a great degree at that."

,m When I said this I could tell she was lost, I don\'t blame her, I had my reasons why I said that.

"Sigh... what a disgrace if I had existed and I serve the world at that time, I would have killed her myself."

This answer of mine confused Lilith, she couldn\'t understand the reason for my answer, so she ask me.

『Why so?』

To which I replied right after.

"Because she is weak, stupidly weak, to think she dared to even put a mere lover ahead of the world, truly it disgusts me, no it irritates me to no ends, why the hell was someone so incompetent, was even chosen for such a position to be hail as the Demon King of Lust in the first place?"


"Truly to be a Demon King who serves under the world, you have to put your desire below all things, in her case she off herself for a dude she couldn\'t live without, yeah simp if I ever seen or heard about one."

『Then what if it was you that was in that situation, what would you have done, can you really blame the Demon Queen, for loving another, I can relate to my actions because I have felt the pain I caused her many time over, and over, again and again, 』

That was what Lilith said to me, and I could feel the sincerity and regret in her voice, just by hearing her speak I know she has suffered a lot.

However, this pain that she feels is hers to bare alone, I want no part of it, my purpose is not to make others happy, it\'s up to them to be happy, all I know is I will enjoy my life for as long as I can, it\'s her choice to be happy.

If she feels a need to stay by my side even without reason I will accept it, but I\'m not the type to be obsessive or intrigued.

As the person I currently am, my love is one-sided, to me Nero is like a toy that I like and want by my side for as long as fate permits it, and Necroma is like a new toy that seems too good to not play with It but still want as a part of my collection.

In short, all my wives to be, all my lovers to come, and all my admirers present are nothing more than a source of pleasure.

And I don\'t just mean sexual pleasure I mean diversity.

Pleasure such as entertainment.

Pleasure in company

Pleasure in kinship

Pleasure in fun

Pleasure in fighting

Pleasure in destroying

Pleasure in correcting

Pleasure in hobbies.

In short to me Nero is an unforgettable experience and satisfaction.

It might sound harsh but that\'s just how I feel, even Lilith is no exception, to me she is like a toy that you never want to part with as it to memorable and useful, it\'s worth a lot kind of feeling.

So that\'s why I wasn\'t afraid to answer her like this.

"Well if my lover is dead then she is dead, there are things in life I can\'t control, and I am aware of that, im, not God, im not perfect, but if I can make things right then I will make it right if it\'s convenient, but if I can\'t then so be it, everyone, everything is replaceable in the end, and that goes for you too Lillith, to me my main objective in life is not to live happily, it\'s to live accordingly, I exist for one purpose, nothing more nothing less."


"I am Asmodeus, the Demon King of Lust, a reset button to the world\'s problems, I act on behalf of the world, I kill on behalf of the world, I destroy on behalf of the world, and in the end, I am nothing but an important gear in a machine, as I am not without purpose, that is who I am."

『And are you sure that it is the right decision, what if you come to hate yourself one day for forfeiting your soul, what if you grow tired of being a slave to the world, have you ever thought of your choice, tell me can you take the emotional toll that comes with it, I will be honest the life of Demon King is lonely one in a sense, especially in your case, you are aware your nothing but a puppet or a toy to the world right』

Lilith said to me as she await my immediate reply.

"I am well aware of that, I am a toy, that philosophy is true, but I\'m cool with that, to be honest, I rather work for something that allows me to be the freest existence to exist, for the simple price of acting and correcting on its behalf, it gave me everything I wanted for everything I didn\'t want."


"But nothing Lilith, think of it like this, I have only been the world property for a little under a week, and I have acquired more than I have acquired in several hundred lifetimes."

"Money, power, woman, fame, and authority, the world gave me all of this so what if those close to me die, so what if I am left alone, it can always be replaced, don\'t you get it Lilith im not attach to anything or one, it because of this I am free, freer than anyone else."


Lilith couldn\'t respond to Asmodeus properly because from what she had seen so far Asmodeus was too far gone to even reason with.

His humanity was non-existent.

His understanding of right or wrong was slowly disappearing.

His only sense of reason and being was just loving for his purpose and enjoying life with his one-sided love for others as that was his only entertainment.

But if this keeps up sooner or later, even his emotions, his ability to think for himself, and his everything will soon disappear into nothingness, and he will be trapped in the eternal hell of death, this was what it means to be an ultimate weapon of the world, this is what its means to serve the world directly, this was what its means to be the world favorite.

A weapon doesn\'t need to think.

A weapon doesn\'t need to love

A weapon doesn\'t need to feel

A weapon simply exists to cause destruction and mayhem

It is ironic when you think about it because Asmodeus\'s sin is Lust.

If he dies then the very concept of Lust in all living creatures that exist or will exist will die as well, regardless of status or position, in short, this would be a multiversal crisis that could bring an end to all life over time.

100 years

1000 years

1,000,000 years

It can be anytime, it can be any minutes, it can be any second before Asmodeus reaches the world\'s definition of perfection.

To grow, to understand, to take charge.

To decide, to move on, to forget.

To observe, to destroy, and to correct.

Order is of the highest, everything is below that meanless.

Asmodeus\'s sin which is Lust is twisted and distorted in many ways, in the truest sense Asmodeus love the world, more than anyone else, more than Gaia, more than Eve, and even more than his creator.

Even if it\'s infested with the very thing he hates the most, he still loves it, the animals, the trees, plants, the dirt, everything.

But the way he shows that love is twisted as he believes the only way to save the world if a reason ever shows itself is to destroy it and restart from Zero.

He is the Beast of Akashina, the one who corrects.

That was the future Lilith saw for her liege when she gaze at his possible future.

However, one thing was for sure, she will stay by his side till the very end.


Her master words of comfort truly hit different, it wasn\'t a lie, no if anything it was the truth, and the harsh and honest one at that, however, she couldn\'t help but be amazed by Asmodeus\'s loyalty.

But that\'s what makes him different from other Demon Kings.

Asmodeus is like that one guy who has nothing to lose, despite having everything he desired, to him the only thing that matters is the purpose of his existence.

Sometimes it\'s hard to read him.

That was what Lilith honestly thought, despite her ability to always understand him, but that privilege was soon short-lived as Asmodeus despite being a week old, was growing at a rapid rate, more than she can even imagine.

His power was like a facet of water that never stops pouring while his potential is like the universe never-ending, as it will never stop growing.

But despite all this, she couldn\'t but say.

『Thank you for understanding I will never leave your side』

"I know you won\'t, but don\'t expect me to favor you and respond to your one-sided feeling because of your resolved?"

『I won\'t be counting on it』

"Good! that way we have reached a level of understanding closer than any other."

『Instead I will view and show my love to you using your philosophy of love, I simply desire you out of pleasure, nothing more nothing less, after I\'m always replaceable and the same could be said about you』

"Do as you may, but I don\'t plan on dying, not even in the future, I desire true and flawless immortality I plan to outlive everything else and watch everything start over again, I shall never perish, who\'s know you might get tired of me?"

『Again you exist for my pleasure and entertainment, why would I get tired of the thing that gives me pleasure in living』

"Well you do you, and I will do me, there are so many fun things I want to try, now then I should be proablly go back to my interrogation."

『Again please don\'t be afraid to use me for your convenience, just as I will use you for mines』

"Of course our relationship is simple, we\'re like friends with benefits without limitations."

『Of course, please do you take care of me』

"I could say the same for you as well."

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