Classroom of the Elite (LN)

Chapter The monologue of Sakura Airi 2: Weak point (Intro)

The classroom became noisy.

Depending on the details of the disagreement between the two groups, Sudou may be suspended and the class points may be deducted. Sensei told the whole situation to the class.

Chiyabashira-sensei was so disinterested and had absolutely no expression in her face that it had a certain beauty to it.

Without any bias, she explained the school’s neutral position on the whole matter.

“Uh… why hasn’t the matter been resolved already?”

Hirata asked a reasonable question.

“The complaint was raised by class C. They said it was a one-sided fight. However, when we asked Sudou, he said that their claim was not true. He said that the class C students called him out, looking for a fight.”

“I wasn’t in the wrong; it was self-defence.”

Declaring that without any shame, Sudoi attracted the cold gazes of his classmates.

“But you have no evidence. Am I wrong?”

“Evidence? I don’t have anything like that.”

“In other words, we don’t know the truth yet. Therefore, the situation has been put on hold. The outcome will be decided on who the actual perpetrator is.”

“I don’t know anything except that I’m innocent. I want money for my troubles.”

“He says so himself, but as of now, there’s not much credibility. If, as Sudou says, there is an eyewitness, the situation may change. If there are any witnesses to the fight, please raise your hands.”

Chiyabashira-sensei kept talking with an indifferent voice. No student raised their hands.

“Too bad Sudou, but it seems like no one here was a witness.”

“…Looks that way.”

When Chiyabashira-sensei looked at Sudou with doubtful eyes, he looked down at his desk.

“In order to look for a witness, each teacher is informing their class about the situation.”

“Hah!? You told everyone!?”

The school probably can’t do anything else. Since Sudou raised the possibility of a witness, each class in the school had to be asked in order to find such a person.

For Sudou, who had intended to hide the incident, this was not a good situation.


Sudou’s plan of keeping it within our group had already failed.

“Anyway, that’s all. We’ll most likely get a final decision by next Tuesday, taking the presence or absence of evidence into consideration. Homeroom is now over.”

Chiyabashira-sensei left the room, with Sudou quickly leaving right after. He probably knew that he would get mad at someone if he stayed in the room.

“Hey, isn’t Sudou the worst?”

The first to talk was Ike.

“If we lost points because of Sudou, doesn’t that mean we’re going to have 0 points again?”

The situation was getting out of hand as the classroom became clamorous.

If we ended up losing points, Sudou would be the target of the class’s frustration. Naturally, Kushida tried to alleviate the situation.

“Hey, everyone. Can you all hear me out?”

Kushida took the chance to stop the uproar and change the situation.

“As Sensei said, Sudou-kun was involved in a fight. But Sudou-kun was dragged into it.”

“Kushida-chan, by saying ‘dragged into it’, does that mean you believe in Sudou’s words?”

Kushida told yesterday’s story to the whole class. About how he was being considered as a regular, and how a few people who were envious tried to get Sudou kicked out of the club and the resulting fight. She explained that Sudou beat them up in self-defense. Most of the class listened to Kushida’s sincere words in silence. If Sudou or I had tried to explain the situation in the same way, it wouldn’t have the same effect.

It was a reasonable story, but considering his usual behavior, no one could believe it so easily.

“I would like to ask again. If anyone knows someone in this class, among your friends, or among your senpais that saw what happened, please tell me. You can contact me at any time. I’d appreciate it.”

Even though she had said the same thing as Chiyabashira-sensei did, the class had a completely different reaction.

It’s fascinating how she’s naturally gifted at being able to connect with people.

The class was wrapped in silence. The one who broke the silence was not an eyewitness, but rather, Yamauchi.

“Hey, Kushida-chan. I don’t believe Sudou’s story. I think he’s making it up to justify his own actions. During middle school, he kept talking about beating people up. He even lectured us about how it was fun to beat people up.”

Starting with Yamauchi, the whole class voiced their dissatisfaction towards Sudou.

“Earlier, I saw him grab some kid from another class just because they bumped in the hallway.”

“I saw him cut in line at the cafeteria and get mad at someone who tried to warn him.”

Kushida’s words about Sudou’s innocence didn’t reach the class. The class, feeling that they were going to lose their hard-earned points, all left Sudou to dry.

“I want to believe him.”

The Hero of the class, Hirata, stood up as if to support Kushida.

“I can understand if a student of another class doubts him. But I think it’s wrong to doubt a friend, a fellow classmate. Isn’t helping out someone in need what friends do?”

“I think so too~”

Brushing her bangs to the side, Karuizawa followed up after him.

“If it’s a false accusation, wouldn’t it be a problem? In any case, it’d be sad if he was innocent.”

If Kushida is a leader with a soft heart, Karuizawa is a leader who is strong willed. Most of the girls voiced their agreement, seemingly influenced by her presence.

It’s a typical behavior of the Japanese people: following suit when one person does something assertively. Secretly, they were probably making fun of him, but at least they were pretending to help. For now, the criticism of Sudou stops.

Hirata, Kushida, and Karuizawa. These three were particularly popular.

“I’ll ask my friends.”

“Then I’ll ask my senpais in the soccer club.”

“I’ll ask around as well.”

With these three in the center, the attempt to prove Sudou’s innocence began.

I guess I don’t have to help. It’ll be better to leave it to them anyway.

Well, time to fade out quietly.

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