I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 Chapter 19: Gossip~New Family

—-Arakawa Kouki’s Perspective—-

「I’m home, Kaa-san」(Kouki)

In the evening, when I returned home from school as usual my mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Fumu, this smell means that today is going to be stew huh....

After going into my room and changing clothes, I went back to my mother.

「Kaa-san, I’m hungry」(Kouki)

「It’ll be done soon, so go sit and wait okay?」(Mom)

「Kon Kon」 (???)

When I asked for dinner, I was urged to wait and so I patiently sat in my seat.

After a while, Mom and I ate the food she carried to to the table.

After I was admitted into the academy, it became a rule that whenever we eat together I talk about what happened at school that day, what made the biggest impression on me that day, and that I listen to my mom about her research.

「Oh, Was that so?」(Mom)


「Yeah, Shingo was hugged by Aikawa-san today too」(Kouki)

After I finished eating and I took a bath, I got a message from Alice.

How unusual to call at this time…..

While thinking that, I tried to call her back.

「Kouki-kun, I’m sorry but it’s about tomorrow」(Alice)

「What’s wrong?」(Kouki)

「Kon」 (???)

Apparently since she was going to be doing pharmaceutical research tomorrow in my research building, It seems she wanted me to contact her personal terminal before I enter the second floor.

Now that she mentions that, when Shingo went to pick up chemicals on the second floor without permission, The powder that Alice was working with while producing medicine got blown around and made a mess of a situation.

Remembering that, I advised her to tell the other members as well.

「Yeah, I know. By the way…. what’s with that whole 『Kon』 thing that I’ve been hearing?」(Alice)

「Ah, that? Somehow, when I got home there was a dragon here」(Kouki)

I answered while looking over at the 『Dragon』in front of me, and I saw Alice looking at me speechless from the other side of the terminal.

It’s fine Alice, I also didn’t know how to respond when came home and saw this guy.

While thinking such a thing, Alice cut of communication, saying 『Somehow, it looks like you’re tired, so please hurry up and rest.』

Well, that sort of reaction is normal I guess.

Nevertheless, what is with this thing?

Is it some sort of magical creature that mom made?….



Seeing how it reacted, it seems it has some understanding of words.

Tilting its head, as if to ask 『What is it?』, I observed the dragon that was awaiting my words. For the time being, I poked it’s face with my finger.

「Kon! Kon Kon」(Dragon?)

Apparently it didn’t like it.

It frantically bit at my fingertips, but it didn’t hurt at all.

After all, it’s only about 20 centimeters long.

Appearance wise, it looked just like you’d expect a dragon from a fantasy world to look like, except smaller, Everything up to the wings.

Suddenly, I came up with an idea!

「Oi, are you able to fly?」(Kouki)


Seeming to be telling me that it’s impossible, It flaps its wings.

Aren’t you adorable? Well then, next is,

「Can you breath fire or ice?」(Kouki)


Apparently it cannot breath anything but air.

Is it not a dragon?…..

When I ask it that, it puffed out its chest in response.

If you aren’t able to fly, nor able to breath fire, then aren’t you just a lizard!?

Wait a minute…..

A lizard that understands words?

「I could sell you for quite a bit, couldn’t I?」(Kouki)

「Ko, Kon!?」(Dragon?)

Even though I was joking about selling it, I’m gonna need to figure out this guy’s identity.

There’s no doubt about it, the reason such a fantastical creature is in my house has to be because of my mother.

She ought to be studying in her room right about now.

Thinking that, I walk over to her room and knock, but there was no reply.

Is she in the underground reference room?

When I go back to the basement again, my mother was drawing some sort of magical formation on the floor.

Eh? what what what!? Could it be that mom summoned this guy?

When I called out, she turned around while closing a book that seemed to be about black magic of some sorts.

「Kou-chan!? What’s going on?」(Mom)

That’s what I want to ask!

I had thought you were a genius scientist, but behind the scenes you were doing this sort of weird thing? I’m shocked!

When expressed my feelings, she hurriedly denied it.

「It’s different! Even I didn’t expect a baby dragon to suddenly hatch out. While I was working in my laboratory, this child gradually emerged from the scales that I got before you know? Surely you can understand how upset I am and how I want to figure out if magic exists?」(Mom)

I cannot understand at all,

What does she mean by it hatched out from the scales?

When I received them I was told they were the scales of an ancient and legendary dragon….. Did mom make a clone from it?

When I tried asking her that,

「After I received the scales, I left them at my workplace on my desk, and in the middle of my work that child suddenly came out from inside them」(Mom)

As she said that, she tried picking up the dragon that had coiled itself around my leg.

No, isn’t it strange for it to have come out of the scales!?

Once again, I ask her and she answered me.

「Kou-chan, when you were talking about the world you were in before you mentioned those demon things before, didn’t you? At that time, you said that you had heard that it is difficult for human beings to kill dragons, then how did the locals come to understand those things as 『scales』?」(Mom)

No, wasn’t that a legend?

I mean, in the first place, it’s not shaped like an egg at all, it looks like scales.

Thinking that, Mom’s explanation continued.

「Perhaps, Rather than scales, it was an egg or something similar. I think that it was in a dormant, near-death state. There are creatures in this world that sleep for periods of years or even decades as well after all. If magic is really as amazing as it sounds, I think that it would also be possible for something to be dormant for centuries as well.」(Mom)

Though mom’s persuasive power was tinged with anger, if her explanation was correct, then why did it hatch now?

「When Kou-chan returned to this world, dozens of people used something called magical power, right? Maybe that triggered its escape from dormancy?」(Mom)

In that case, I’m the cause of it huh…..

While looking at the dragon being held by my mother, I thought.

Somehow, I feel sorry, This isn’t the world that you were meant to be in.

「Since there’s no harm in it now, Let’s just take care of it at home as it is。 If dragons are able to live for hundreds of years, it will take time for it to grow. I’ll find a way to return it to its former world by then」(Mom)

『And we can pass it off as an unusual looking lizard』 she added, laughing.

For the time being, I’ll consult Alice and everyone at school tomorrow….

I concluded to myself, and returned to my room.

「How cute!!」(Alice)

「Are you able to breathe fire or anything?」(Aikawa)

The next day, I brought the dragon to my research building, and it seems Alice and Aikawa came to like it at first sight.

Shingo and I were watching the situation together, but I could only laugh bitterly at their amazing ability to adapt.

Be a bit more surprised darnit!

「Kouki, have you named it yet?」(Shingo)

Even though he asks me that, I haven’t given it anything like a name yet.

A name huh….

As I looked over to the dragon, It noticed my gaze and came towards me, calling out. While rubbing its face against my hand, I was surprised by how cute it was when it acted this spoiled.

「Kouki-kun, let’s all name it together」(Alice)

「Sounds good, Let\'s all decide together」(Aikawa)

I can’t be referring to it as 『Oi』or『Dragon』forever,

Thinking that, I gave permission, though it was just then I realized how terrible everyone’s naming sense was.

「Fuhi! I think 『Phantom Dragon Nocturnal』sounds good!」(Shingo)

Shingo, how old are you?

「That’s no good, Shin-kun, we should call it『Rose Weldi』 」(Aikawa)

Aikawa, the hell is a Weldi?

Meanwhile Alice was seriously staring at the dragon, then turned towards me and said her name

「Kouki-kun, I think 『Silver Knight Clade』sounds good」(Alice)

You too!?

It’s not even a knight, is it!?

It’s just a friggin pseudo-lizard!

The dragon called out 『Kon….』in disagreement, seemingly getting smaller.

「Hey, are you alright with the name 『Kon』?」(Kouki)

「Kon! KonKon!!」(Kon)

When I said that, he snuggled up to me happily.

Alright, It’s decided……

From this day forth this little guy will be known as Kon.

Big booing came from the other members, but I didn’t mind.

In the first place, There’s no way we could call it『Nocturnal』 in public!

Aikawa shouted that out in a big voice.

「I mean, even though it’s a dragon, it’s making cute sounds like 『Kon』 all the time, that’s just no good! It would make her even more dragon-like if we named her rose! 」(Aikawa)

Hearing that, I ask Kon 『Can you make any other sounds?』.

In response, Kon descended from the desk, walked to the edge of the room, and looked back towards us taking a deep breath. And,


And, rather than the call that he had been using up until now, he let forth something I would call a 『Roar』.

While he looked at me with a 『How was that?』 look, Aikawa looked at it in astonishment.

「I think Kon-chan sounds fine」(Alice)

Alice petitioned for us to continue calling it『Kon』.

While witnessing the situation, I decided to have Aikawa-san who was the cause of all this to tidy up all the cups that had been scattered by the Roar just now.

(Fraiziar: I\'m trying to decide whether to refer to Kon as a \'He\', \'She\', or \'It\', please tell me your thoughts!)

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